

Oct 13

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Women’s Empowerment Word-shop Series: Instruction for Victorious Living

I am so excited to share a new opportunity with the women in the Body of Christ! I, along with the Esther Project Women’s Ministry of Galilee Missionary Baptist Church, would like to invite interested women to our workshop series offering biblical instruction with life application in order to help women overcome the issues that we struggle with the most in this Christian walk. We have secured some powerful women who can preach and teach a mighty Word while helping women apply the power of God’s Word to their everyday lives.

I have attached a copy of the flyer detailing the WORD-shop themes and the awesome Women of God slated to present. We are offering a Continental breakfast beginning at 8AM and each Word-shop begins promptly at 9AM. Each session is expected to last one-hour. For those who are interested, there is time allotted for informal fellowship afterwards. All WORD-shops will be held at Galilee Missionaary Baptist Church, 24 Lyons Avenue, Newark, NJ 07112 where the anointed Rev. Zan Ingalls is our pastor.

There is no set fee. We are looking to minister to those women who want to overcome these issues and walk in victory for Christ! We are simply requesting a freewill offering. However, we are asking that those who attend consider sowing a seed into this new ministry.

Inorder to get an approximate number of attendees, we are asking that women pre-register online at www.theplaceofsurrender.org and click on the tab for the Women’s Empowerment Series. Directions on how to pre-register are listed at the bottom of the page.

Even if you are unable to attend, please print this flyer out and post on your church’s announcement bulletin board or forward it to someone you believe may be interested in these WORD-shops.

May the Lord bless and keep you in all of your endeavors!

In His love,

Lady Liane Ingalls

Women Empowerment WORDshop Series Flyer

Permanent link to this article: http://www.palmstreetblockassociation.org/2011/10/13/womens-empowerment-word-shop-series-instruction-for-victorious-living/