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ITVS International Fund – Call For Applications

ITVS International Fund – Call For Applications

ITVS International Call 2012 Deadline: December 9, 2011.
International Call provides production and/or post-production funds for single non-fiction television documentaries that bring international perspectives, ideas, stories and people to a U.S. audience. This initiative is for non-U.S. producers and filmmakers who live outside the U.S.
International Call accepts:
Single programs of standard broadcast length (one-hour). In rare cases, when a filmmaker’s skills, subject, and story structure warrant it, ITVS will consider programs at feature lengths.
Works-in-progress, i.e. projects that have already begun production
Programs that can be completed within one year of contract
Co-production projects with either international broadcast partner(s) or co-productions with producers from different countries
International Call does not accept:
Subject matter based in the United States, lifestyle, or children’s programming
Proposals for completed projects seeking acquisition and distribution
Series proposals or fictional dramas
Projects intended solely for theatrical release
Find out more here.

For more information or to apply: http://britdoc.org/news_details/itvs_international_fund_call_for_ap…

Permanent link to this article: http://www.palmstreetblockassociation.org/2011/10/15/itvs-international-fund-call-for-applications/